
Common utility functions for the nf-core python package.


Bases: CachedSession

Class to provide a single session for interacting with the GitHub API for a run. Inherits the requests_cache.CachedSession and adds additional functionality, such as automatically setting up GitHub authentication if we can.

get(url, **kwargs)

Initialise the session if we haven’t already, then call the superclass get method.

lazy_init() → None

Initialise the object.

Only do this when it’s actually being used (due to global import)

log_content_headers(request, post_data=None)

Try to dump everything to the console, useful when things go wrong.

request_retry(url, post_data=None)

Try to fetch a URL, keep retrying if we get a certain return code.

Used in nf-core pipelines sync code because we get 403 errors: too many simultaneous requests See


Run a GET request, raise a nice exception with lots of logging if it fails.


Try to automatically set up GitHub authentication

pydantic modelnf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig

Bases: BaseModel

Template configuration schema

Show JSON schema ```json { "title": "NFCoreTemplateConfig", "description": "Template configuration schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "org": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Org" }, "name": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Name" }, "description": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Description" }, "author": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Author" }, "version": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Version" }, "force": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": true, "title": "Force" }, "outdir": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "format": "path", "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Outdir" }, "skip_features": { "anyOf": [ { "items": {}, "type": "array" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Skip Features" }, "is_nfcore": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Is Nfcore" } } } ```

* **Fields:** - [`author (str | None)`]( - [`description (str | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.description) - [`force (bool | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.force) - [`is_nfcore (bool | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.is_nfcore) - [`name (str | None)`]( - [`org (str | None)`]( - [`outdir (str | pathlib.Path | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.outdir) - [`skip_features (list | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.skip_features) - [`version (str | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.version) * **Validators:** - [`outdir_to_str`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.outdir_to_str) » [`outdir`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig.outdir)

fieldauthor: str | None= None

Pipeline author

fielddescription: str | None= None

Pipeline description

fieldforce: bool | None= True

Force overwrite of existing files

fieldis_nfcore: bool | None= None

Whether the pipeline is an nf-core pipeline.

fieldname: str | None= None

Pipeline name

fieldorg: str | None= None

Organisation name

fieldoutdir: str | Path | None= None

Output directory

fieldskip_features: list | None= None

Skip features. See for a list of features.

fieldversion: str | None= None

Pipeline version

get(item: str, default: Any = None) → Any


_abc_impl= <_abc._abc_data object>

pydantic modelnf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig

Bases: BaseModel

.nf-core.yml configuration file schema

Show JSON schema ```json { "title": "NFCoreYamlConfig", "description": ".nf-core.yml configuration file schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "repository_type": { "title": "Repository Type", "type": "string" }, "nf_core_version": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Nf Core Version" }, "org_path": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Org Path" }, "lint": { "anyOf": [ { "additionalProperties": { "anyOf": [ { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, { "items": { "additionalProperties": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, { "type": "boolean" } ] }, "type": "object" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Lint" }, "template": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/NFCoreTemplateConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null }, "bump_version": { "anyOf": [ { "additionalProperties": { "type": "boolean" }, "type": "object" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Bump Version" }, "update": { "anyOf": [ { "additionalProperties": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "boolean" }, { "additionalProperties": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "additionalProperties": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "boolean" } ] }, "type": "object" } ] }, "type": "object" } ] }, "type": "object" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Update" } }, "$defs": { "NFCoreTemplateConfig": { "description": "Template configuration schema", "properties": { "org": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Org" }, "name": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Name" }, "description": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Description" }, "author": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Author" }, "version": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Version" }, "force": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": true, "title": "Force" }, "outdir": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "format": "path", "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Outdir" }, "skip_features": { "anyOf": [ { "items": {}, "type": "array" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Skip Features" }, "is_nfcore": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Is Nfcore" } }, "title": "NFCoreTemplateConfig", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "repository_type" ] } ```

* **Fields:** - [`bump_version (Dict[str, bool] | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig.bump_version) - [`lint (Dict[str, List[str] | List[Dict[str, List[str]]] | bool] | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig.lint) - [`nf_core_version (str | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig.nf_core_version) - [`org_path (str | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig.org_path) - [`repository_type (str)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig.repository_type) - [`template (nf_core.utils.NFCoreTemplateConfig | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig.template) - [`update (Dict[str, str | bool | Dict[str, str | Dict[str, str | bool]]] | None)`](#nf_core.utils.NFCoreYamlConfig.update)

fieldbump_version: Dict[str, bool] | None= None

Disable bumping of the version for a module/subworkflow (when repository_type is modules). See for more information.

fieldlint: Dict[str, List[str] | List[Dict[str, List[str]]] | bool] | None= None

Pipeline linting configuration, see for examples and documentation

fieldnf_core_version: str | None= None

Version of nf-core/tools used to create/update the pipeline

fieldorg_path: str | None= None

Path to the organisation’s modules repository (used for modules repo_type only)

fieldrepository_type: str[Required]

Type of repository: pipeline or modules

fieldtemplate: NFCoreTemplateConfig | None= None

Pipeline template configuration

fieldupdate: Dict[str, str | bool | Dict[str, str | Dict[str, str | bool]]] | None= None

Disable updating specific modules/subworkflows (when repository_type is pipeline). See for more information.

get(item: str, default: Any = None) → Any

_abc_impl= <_abc._abc_data object>

classnf_core.utils.Pipeline(wf_path: Path)

Bases: object

Object to hold information about a local pipeline.

  • Parameters: path (str) – The path to the nf-core pipeline directory.


The parsed conda configuration file content (environment.yml).

  • Type: dict


The conda package(s) information, based on the API requests to Anaconda cloud.

  • Type: dict


The Nextflow pipeline configuration file content.

  • Type: dict


A list of files found during the linting process.

  • Type: list


The git sha for the repo commit / current GitHub pull-request ($GITHUB_PR_COMMIT)

  • Type: str


The minimum required Nextflow version to run the pipeline.

  • Type: str


Path to the pipeline directory.

  • Type: str


The pipeline name, without the nf-core tag, for example hlatyping.

  • Type: str


A PipelineSchema object

  • Type: obj

_fp(fn: str | Path) → Path

Convenience function to get full path to a file in the pipeline

_load() → bool

Run core load functions

_load_conda_environment() → bool

Try to load the pipeline environment.yml file, if it exists

list_files() → List[Path]

Get a list of all files in the pipeline

load_pipeline_config() → bool

Get the nextflow config for this pipeline

Once loaded, set a few convenience reference class attributes


Bases: Validator

Validator for file path specified as –singularity-cache-index argument in nf-core pipelines download

_abc_impl= <_abc._abc_data object>


Validate the input. If invalid, this should raise a ValidationError.

  • Parameters: documentDocument instance.

nf_core.utils.anaconda_package(dep, dep_channels=None)

Query conda package information.

Sends a HTTP GET request to the Anaconda remote API.

  • Parameters:
    • dep (str) – A conda package name.
    • dep_channels (list) – list of conda channels to use
  • Raises:
    • A LookupError**,** if the connection fails or times out or gives an unexpected status code
    • A ValueError**,** if the package name can not be found (**404**)

nf_core.utils.check_if_outdated(current_version=None, remote_version=None, source_url='')

Check if the current version of nf-core is outdated


Overwrite default PyYAML output to make Prettier YAML linting happy

nf_core.utils.determine_base_dir(directory: Path | str = '.') → Path


nf_core.utils.fetch_wf_config(wf_path: Path, cache_config: bool = True) → dict

Uses Nextflow to retrieve the the configuration variables from a Nextflow workflow.

  • Parameters:
    • wf_path (str) – Nextflow workflow file system path.
    • cache_config (bool) – cache configuration or not (def. True)
  • Returns: Workflow configuration settings.
  • Return type: dict


Calculates the md5sum for a file on the disk.

  • Parameters: fname (str) – Path to a local file.

nf_core.utils.get_biocontainer_tag(package, version)

Given a bioconda package and version, looks for Docker and Singularity containers using the biocontaineres API, e.g.:{tool}/versions/{tool}-{version} Returns the most recent container versions by default.

package: A bioconda package name.
package: str
version: Version of the bioconda package
version: str

  • Raises:
    • A LookupError**,** if the connection fails or times out or gives an unexpected status code
    • A ValueError**,** if the package name can not be found (**404**)

nf_core.utils.get_first_available_path(directory: Path | str, paths: List[str]) → Path | None

nf_core.utils.get_repo_releases_branches(pipeline, wfs)

Fetches details of a nf-core workflow to download.

  • Parameters:
    • pipeline (str) – GitHub repo username/repo
    • wfs – A nf_core.pipelines.list.Workflows() object, where get_remote_workflows() has been called.
  • Returns: Array of releases, Array of branches
  • Return type: wf_releases, wf_branches (tuple)
  • Raises: LockupError**,** if the pipeline can not be found.


Check file path to see if it is a binary file


Checks if the specified directory have the minimum required files (‘’, ‘nextflow.config’) for a pipeline directory

  • Parameters: wf_path (str) – The directory to be inspected
  • Raises: UserWarning – If one of the files are missing

nf_core.utils.is_relative_to(path1, path2)

Checks if a path is relative to another.

Should mimic Path.is_relative_to which not available in Python < 3.9

path1 (Path | str): The path that could be a subpath path2 (Path | str): The path the could be the superpath

nf_core.utils.load_tools_config(directory: str | Path = '.') → Tuple[Path | None,NFCoreYamlConfig| None]

Parse the nf-core.yml configuration file

Look for a file called either .nf-core.yml or .nf-core.yaml

Also looks for the deprecated file .nf-core-lint.yml/yaml and issues a warning that this file will be deprecated in the future

Returns the loaded config dict or False, if the file couldn’t be loaded

nf_core.utils.nested_delitem(d, keys)

Deletes a key from a nested dictionary

  • Parameters:
    • d (dict) – the nested dictionary to traverse
    • keys (list *[*Any ]) – A list of keys to iteratively traverse, deleting the final one

nf_core.utils.nested_setitem(d, keys, value)

Sets the value in a nested dict using a list of keys to traverse

  • Parameters:
    • d (dict) – the nested dictionary to traverse
    • keys (list *[*Any ]) – A list of keys to iteratively traverse
    • value (Any) – The value to be set for the last key in the chain

nf_core.utils.parse_anaconda_licence(anaconda_response, version=None)

Given a response from the anaconda API using anaconda_package, parse the software licences.

Returns: Set of licence types


Query PyPI package information.

Sends a HTTP GET request to the PyPI remote API.

  • Parameters: dep (str) – A PyPI package name.
  • Raises:
    • A LookupError**,** if the connection fails or times out
    • A ValueError**,** if the package name can not be found


Return a ‘es’ if the input is not one or has not the length of one.


Return an s if the input is not one or has not the length of one.


Return ‘ies’ if the input is not one or has not the length of one, else ‘y’.

nf_core.utils.poll_nfcore_web_api(api_url: str, post_data: Dict | None = None) → Dict

Poll the nf-core website API

Takes argument api_url for URL

Expects API response to be valid JSON and contain a top-level ‘status’ key.

nf_core.utils.prompt_pipeline_release_branch(wf_releases: List[Dict[str, Any]], wf_branches: Dict[str, Any], multiple: bool = False) → Tuple[Any, List[str]]

Prompt for pipeline release / branch

  • Parameters:
    • wf_releases (array) – Array of repo releases as returned by the GitHub API
    • wf_branches (array) – Array of repo branches, as returned by the GitHub API
    • multiple (bool) – Allow selection of multiple releases & branches (for Seqera Platform)
  • Returns: Selected release / branch or False if no releases / branches available
  • Return type: choice (questionary.Choice or bool)


Prompt for the pipeline name with questionary

  • Parameters: wfs – A nf_core.pipelines.list.Workflows() object, where get_remote_workflows() has been called.
  • Returns: GitHub repo - username/repo
  • Return type: pipeline (str)
  • Raises: AssertionError**,** if pipeline cannot be found


Check if any environment variables are set to force Rich to use coloured output

nf_core.utils.run_cmd(executable: str, cmd: str) → Tuple[bytes, bytes] | None

Run a specified command and capture the output. Handle errors nicely.

nf_core.utils.set_wd(path: Path) → Generator[None, None, None]

Sets the working directory for this context.

  • Parameters: path (Path) – Path to the working directory to be used inside this context.

nf_core.utils.setup_nfcore_cachedir(cache_fn: str | Path) → Path

Sets up local caching for caching files between sessions.

nf_core.utils.setup_nfcore_dir() → bool

Creates a directory for files that need to be kept between sessions

Currently only used for keeping local copies of modules repos

nf_core.utils.setup_requests_cachedir() → Dict[str, Path | timedelta | str]

Sets up local caching for faster remote HTTP requests.

Caching directory will be set up in the user’s home directory under a .config/nf-core/cache_* subdir.

Uses requests_cache monkey patching. Also returns the config dict so that we can use the same setup with a Session.


Sorts a nested dictionary recursively

nf_core.utils.strip_ansi_codes(string, replace_with='')

Strip ANSI colouring codes from a string to return plain text.

From Stack Overflow:

nf_core.utils.validate_file_md5(file_name, expected_md5hex)

Validates the md5 checksum of a file on disk.

  • Parameters:
    • file_name (str) – Path to a local file.
    • expected (str) – The expected md5sum.
  • Raises: IOError**,** if the md5sum does not match the remote sum.

nf_core.utils.wait_cli_function(poll_func: Callable[[], bool], refresh_per_second: int = 20) → None

Display a command-line spinner while calling a function repeatedly.

Keep waiting until that function returns True

  • Parameters:
    • poll_func (function) – Function to call
    • refresh_per_second (int) – Refresh this many times per second. Default: 20.
  • Returns: None. Just sits in an infinite loop until the function returns True.